Story before design, meaning before aesthetic. / ½ martian + ½ mercurian. / No matter how much you feed a wolf, he will always return to the forest.
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Casa Antonietta

Casa Antonietta

This project was meant to be a rework of one of the sets for Ettore Scola’s Una giornata particolare, Antonietta’s house. The story takes place in 1938, in a working-class building of the time. I’ve decided to take a bold approach and move the set from the North of Rome to the South, to “the other side of the coin” working class district, the Garbatella neighborhood: a distinctive area of the city, also because many politcal dissident were confined there during the Fascist period, and the other main character, Gabriele, is exactly that. Since Garbatella was more proletarian, the interiors and exteriors of the set should have had a different feel, more poor, but also more warm and welcoming.